口腔卫生A.A.S. 技术标准政策

所有申请 口腔卫生A.A.S. program must be able to meet the department's technical standards as outlined on this page. Any information supplied is strictly voluntary and will be shared only with appropriate school officials who coordinate or provide support services or accommodations. 哈德逊山谷社区学院's Center for Access and Assistive 技术 will provide accommodations for students with documented disabilities. 请填写附件表格 certifying that you have read, understand and are able to meet these standards.

技术标准 For Admission, Promotion and Graduation

技术标准 are non-academic criteria used in the admission, 学生的晋升和毕业. 技术标准 are published discipline specific essentials critical for the safe and reasonable practice of 口腔卫生. They also protect qualified persons with disabling conditions against discrimination. 技术标准 are a concrete statement of the minimum physical, 感觉/运动, 沟通, 行为/社会, mental/emotional and environmental requirements for normal and safe professional function. They are intended to inform the prospective student/professional of the attributes, characteristics and abilities essential to dental hygiene practice. Professional competency is the summation of many cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills. The College has a moral and ethical responsibility to select, educate and certify competent and safe students and practitioners. Patient health and safety is the sole benchmark against which we measure all performance requirements, including the 技术标准 addressed in this document.

Applicant Certificate of Understanding must be signed on last page and returned to the Office of 招生.


All candidates for the 口腔卫生Associate in Applied 科学 学位 must possess essential skills and abilities necessary to complete the 口腔卫生 curriculum successfully either with or without reasonable accommodations for any disabilities the individual may have. The 卫生科学学院 技术标准 are as follows:

  1. 沟通
    Obtain medical/dental history from the patient, parent or guardian. 交付, receive and interpret verbal and non-verbal 沟通 to and from the patient, 教练, 同学和工作人员. Accurately record findings on all patient records.
  2. 观察和感觉能力
    Visually assess, bimanually palpate, and tactfully interpret hard and soft anatomic structures. Appropriate depth perception with vision from a distance of 18 inches with or without corrective lenses. Recognize and react to signs of medical emergency.
  3. 手巧和运动技能
    Use of personal protective devices (tolerate face mask/shield, 安全眼镜, 手术手套和实验室工作服). Carry out OSHA infection control procedures (use of cleaners and chemicals).
    Perform dental hygiene procedures (scaling, polishing, x-rays) and manipulate dental materials. Access to the patient from a seated or standing position, with or without assistive device (wheel chair).
    操作开关, 旋钮, levers in operation of the dental chair and accessory equipment in all clinics and laboratory settings.
    适当的精神运动技能, manual dexterity and motor ability to perform fine and gross motor skills to allow for effective and safe instrumentation.
  4. 概念/分析推理
    Perform treatment modalities using concepts and judgments that are the standard of care for the 口腔卫生 profession.
  5. 社会技能
    Demonstrates respect and caring for all 病人. Demonstrates sensitive responses to 病人 in clinical settings. 与同伴互动, 病人, 教职员工情绪稳定, 专业和道德的态度. Respects diversity of cultures among clinical 病人, college personnel and peers. Demonstrates team approach in carrying out responsibilities in all settings.

For information on services for students with disabilities or if you have a question regarding this information please call or write to:

DeAnne Martocci
Director, Center for Access and Assistive 技术
(518) 629-7154
T.D.D. (518) 629-7596

Please feel free to write a separate letter and to forward any reports, articles or other information that would be helpful in providing support.
注意: Appropriate documentation must be supplied in order to secure the requested accommodations. The completed form and related correspondence should be returned to the 口腔卫生 Department, Fitzgibbons 健康 Technologies Center room 157, 哈德逊山谷社区学院, 特洛伊,纽约州12180.



Fitzgibbons 健康 Technologies Center, Room 157
部门时间: 周一至周五,上午8点.m. - 4:30 p.m.
