College Boosts Off-Campus Offerings with Dedication of Albany Center for Education


媒体联络: Dennis Kennedy, 哈德逊山谷社区学院, (518) 629-8071,

Albany Center for Education Ribbon Cutting
从左到右:汤姆·格兰特, Rensselaer County Legislator and 哈德逊山谷社区学院 Trustee; Senator Neil Breslin; Neil Kelleher, Chair of the 哈德逊山谷社区学院 校董会; Lisa McKay, Associate Provost and Director of the University Center for Academic and 员工发展 at SUNY; Assembly member Pat Fahy; Kathy Sheehan, 市长, City of Albany; Roger Ramsammy, 总统, 哈德逊山谷社区学院; Darius Shahinfar, City of Albany Treasurer; Lucie Marion, 副总裁/执行董事, 教育机会中心; Mark Eagan, 首都地区商会.

哈德逊山谷社区学院 is increasing off-campus offerings in Albany County with the opening of the Albany Center for Education (ACE), 位于中央大道附近.

The site, at 30 North Russell Road near the Westgate Plaza, has served as the Albany location of the Capital District 教育机会中心 (EOC) 几十年来. 哈德逊河谷, 由谁管理平机会, decided earlier this year that it was also an ideal location to offer credit-bearing college courses, along with credit-free career training through its 员工发展 Institute. These expanded class offerings began in the fall with more than 200 students now studying in a variety of day and evening programs and courses at the location.

新设施, which encompasses the entire second floor of the building, 它的缩写是ACE, and serves a wide range of educational needs. 上周, the college received state approval to recognize the location as official extension center of 哈德逊河谷, which will open the door to even more offerings in the future.

College president Roger Ramsammy said, “Our goal is simple – to expand and diversify our off-campus offerings into the communities we serve – and to make 哈德逊河谷 even more accessible than it is today. 现在ACE是开放的, we plan to continue developing our off-campus presence to better serve our community and our students.”

哈德逊河谷招收了超过11名学生,250名学生, 有将近4个,000 Albany County residents attending the college each year. ACE is envisioned as one way to provide resources to them closer to home.

“We know that many of our students reside in Albany County, and the creation of the ACE is another way to for us serve that population with a range of educational options, 高中同等课程, college preparation and college-level classes, plus specific career training like the pharmacy technician course through the 员工发展 Institute,拉姆萨米总统说. “We also want to provide more access to college-level classes for students who are using the EOC, and having all these opportunities under one roof makes it easier to build that important bridge.”

ACE has started ramping up its educational offerings this fall. The EOC currently offers English as a Second Language and high school equivalency courses, as well as Certified Nurse Assistant training on site. Tutoring is also available for students enrolled in the EOC, and both EOC students and community members can take advantage of the on-site ATTAIN computer services in the day and evening.

College and career services are offered on site as well, and both High School Equivalency (HSE) prep and college prep courses are coming soon. 除了, six new credit-bearing college-level courses offered this fall have drawn 120 students to the site. And the college’s 员工发展 Institute is currently running a training course for those interested in becoming pharmacy technicians at ACE as well.

College officials and local representatives gathered at the ACE on Tuesday, Oct. 30, for a formal ribbon cutting ceremony and an opportunity to show off the new facility. State Senate and Assembly members and Albany City 市长 Kathy Sheehan joined 总统Ramsammy and Capital District EOC Executive Director and College Vice 总统 Dr. Lucille Marion to formally dedicate the new site. Also on hand was SUNY Associate Provost and Director of the University Center for Academic and 员工发展 Lisa McKay.


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